With your help, Afghanistan will find peace

Create: 04/29/2015 - 00:00

This is a historic opportunity for Afghanistan and our coalition partners participating in the NATO Summit. With the help of our partners around the world and the determination of the Afghan people, soon Afghanistan will take its place in the international community standing on its own as a sovereign country.
The Afghan people are thankful for the efforts and support offered by the international community, which has been standing by us. We look forward to a long-term partnership to generate a durable peace.

Saur coup: Opening floodgates to bloodshed

Create: 04/25/2015 - 10:00

Majid Kalakani was killed in 1976 when he had converted northern Afghanistan into killing fields, unleashing a reign of terror on his political foes and innocent civilians. His death was followed by the shooting of Ariana pilot Inamul Haq at the hands of unidentified gunmen in Kabul. Later on, Daud Khan’s minister of planning Khurram was also assassinated by Marjan, who belonged to eastern Laghman province. Daud Khan lost his close confidant Sher Agha.

How to End the War in Afghanistan

Create: 02/05/2015 - 00:00

Neither the UK nor the US started the war in Afghanistan. In the 1990s, that country’s Taliban government provided a safe haven and support for al-Qaeda. In return, Osama bin Laden provided the Taliban with money and fighters. Afghanistan became the incubator for the September 11 attacks. The international intervention in response to those attacks had widespread support around the world. But we never meant for our militaries to be there forever. Eight years later, with al-Qaeda pushed into Pakistan, it is not enough to explain to people why the war started.
