1-Peace Journalism

Create: 05/13/2015 - 10:06

Name of book: Peace Journalism
Author: Massoud Momin
Publisher: MEDITECH
Year of Publication: 1393 (Change date)
Place of Publication: Kabul, Afghanistan
Theme: Training reporters and journalists on peace reporting
Published in Dari and Pashto by MWDIATECH with the support of German Cooperation with Afghanistan (GIZ), Peace Journalism is a training book in the domain of journalism.
The 152-page book discusses peace journalism, identifies hurdles to media people in this regard, the difference between war and peace reporting, as well as other topics.
The book has four sections, each having different subjects and headings regarding peace journalism. One of its key distinctions is that every topic has been given a set of training exercises, with illustrative examples from various media outlets.
Originally written in Dari, the book was later translated into Pashto by Prof. Daud Wafa of Nangarhar University.

See also

07/09/2015 - 14:50
05/17/2015 - 10:18
05/13/2015 - 10:34