Panjsheris dead-set against dialogue with Taliban

Create: 07/04/2015 - 11:09

1. University student Mohammad Jafar Niazi:
I do not believe in talks among Afghanistan, Taliban and Pakistan. The reason is that Islamabad had been aiding the militants, and does not support peace in our country. Stability here will deal a severe blow to Pakistan’s economic programmes. We should not be duped.
2. Policeman Abdul Qayyum Qayyumi:
We are supportive of reconciliation that must come about at the earliest if Pakistan is true to its commitment. And if it is not, peace is unlikely in Afghanistan.
3. Public servant Hayatullah:
There is no point in peace with the Taliban, whose have been asserting their commitment to reconciliation over the past few years. But their vows are false, as they continue with suicide attacks on the innocent people. The government must deal with them in a determined manner by strengthening its armed forces.   
4. University student Fatah Azim Farhad:
Backed by Pakistan, the Taliban do not want reconciliation and have repeatedly deceived Afghanistan. I request those sitting in the Presidential Palace not to be taken in, and face Pakistan and the Taliban in a serious way.  
5. Butcher Abdul Waez:
Peace must be restored at all costs, through talks or other means. Our leaders should see whether or not peace with the Taliban is in Afghanistan’s interest. If the insurgents are sincere, peace should be restored, as the masses are tired of war.
6. Government servant Mohammad Tahir Himmat:
We agree to peace if Pakistan and Taliban are really committed. For real stability in Afghanistan, Taliban’s backers should be brought under pressure. Peace will come about immediately if the countries involved really want so.
7. Schoolteacher Humayun:
Like many of my countrymen, I am opposed to talks with the Taliban. Tested and tried frequently, Pakistan has been hoodwinking us. Firmly behind the Taliban, Islamabad is a snake in the grass, intent up misleading our high-ranking officials. We do not have a sagacious leader who could grasp Pakistan’s designs or work together with it in the interest of Afghanistan. Therefore, there should be no negotiations with the Taliban.  
8. Driver Niamatullah:
Whither peace? This is a lie aimed at fooling the Afghans. Pakistan has its own business with the Taliban. The money being spent on the reconciliation charade should be diverted to equipping the security forces and enabling them to vanquish the fighters. Taliban’s commitment to talks has been untrue.
9. School student Razia:
If you talk to them, the Taliban seek power-sharing, something I do not want to happen. There should be no peace with them and if they return to power, the militants will repeat what they did during their regime.
10. Paryan district resident Abdur Rahman:
The government should not go for peace or talks with the Taliban. Only mujahidin should be allowed to come to power, a move that will eliminate the rebels. Talking to the Taliban and Pakistan, having no advantage at all, is tantamount to the loss of time. They have always told us lies.